Mark your calendar

Second Gen Graveyard will be hosting the first annual “Tennessee Trans Am A-Rama” the weekend of July 25-28 2024.

Our hometown of Gallatin TN rolled out the red carpet when we hosted the Bandit Run here this year. All of the participants commented on what a great time they had staying in town. After the event, all our merchants, hotels, City officials, and law enforcement officials kept complimenting us on the Bandit Run and begging us to bring it back in 2024. So we listened, and we are going to host the Trans Am A-Rama in a similar fashion to how we ran the Bandit Run.

Our preliminary schedule is:

Thursday July 25th

Check in

Group dinner

Friday July 26th

Scenic cruise and lunch

Evening Downtown Takeover

Saturday July 27th

Scenic cruise and lunch

Evening giant car show with live music and food trucks

Sunday July 28th

First Responder pancake breakfast

Mid day tour of Sumner County led by the Sheriff’s Dept

Come a few days early, or stay a few days after, and enjoy the fun of Nashville TN which is just 30 minutes away.

More details, registration info, hotel discounts, and more will be coming in the next few weeks.


Dash Restoration service


Friends of the graveyard