I get asked about this often.
Why do some of my posts say “That’s the lowest price I can advertise”?
Many manufacturers and vendors have “Minimum Advertised Pricing” (MAP) policies. The policies keep the playing field level so big parts houses with big overhead can be competitive with the smaller more nimble parts sellers with lower overhead. The MAP policies dictate the lowest price a retailer can list product for in their advertising. Retailers who violate MAP policies can have their reselling privileges revoked.
MAP pricing applies to my website listings as well as my Facebook listings. MAP pricing does not apply to customers who come into my shop, call me, or message me. I am free to sell any product for any price I desire. I just cannot advertise pricing below MAP prices for those manufacturers or vendors with the MAP policy in place,
I hope that answers the questions.
As always, I am happy to price any part you may need for your projects.
I can be contacted through via email at secondgengraveyard@yahoo.com or by phone 615-989-1707